Business Wisdom Musings

I would like to list some of the business wisdom musings that I have had over the years. I had one manager call them "Mayo-isms" (those in bold). I have had so many that I won't be able to recall all of them. But here goes:

On Compensation
If you pay peanuts, you will get monkeys.

On Guiding Subordinates
Your job is to make me look like a superstar and mine is to help you.

On Confrontations
You can't get into a Pixxing contest with a skunk and come out smelling like a rose.

On Dealing with Superiors
It is just as important to manage upwards as it is to manage downwards.

On Priorities
It is critical that your priorities match those that your boss has for you. You can be doing the best job in the world but if it is not what your boss wants done, then it's all for naught in regards to your performance.

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